▼Nalfa | |
▼Nrt | |
▼Ncodec | |
▼NJson | |
▼CJsonReaderCodecConfig | Configuration for reading a JSON into an AlfaObject |
CBuilder | Builder object to create a new JsonReaderCodecConfig instance |
▼CJsonWriterCodecConfig | Settings object used when writing an AlfaObject as a JSON string |
CBuilder | Builder object to create a JsonWriterCodecConfig object |
CAlfaEnum | Base class for generated code representing an Alfa Enum |
CAlfaException | Base class of exceptions thrown in the Alfa runtime code |
CAlfaObject | Base interface implemented by all Alfa Java objects corresponding to user-defined-types in Alfa |
CAlfaValidationException | Exception thrown when object validation fails constraint checks |
CBuilder | Abstract base class of all generated Builder class implementations |
CBuilderConfig | Configuration object passed into builder classes to configure behaviour |
CCodec | The Codec class contains utility methods that encode and decode Alfa objects to and from JSON |
CCompressed | Representation of a compressed Alfa object value. Contains a implementation specific compress byte[] value. representing the underlying value |
CEncrypted | Representation of an encrypted Alfa object value. Contains a implementation specific encrypted byte[] value |
CEntity | Based interface for all Alfa generated keyless-Entity types |
CEntityBuilder | Abstract base class for entity builders |
CIBuilder | Base interface for Builder implementations |
CIEntityBuilder | Base interface for Entity object builder, with facility to assign the entity key |
CIEntityTypeDescriptor | Entity type descriptor containing the key descriptor |
CITypeDescriptor | This class contains metadata and utilities that aide generic algorithms to be applied to process data for the class this descriptor is representing. Primarily for internal use by the encoder/decoder and other utilities |
CKey | Based interface for all Alfa generated Key types |
CKeyedEntity | Based interface for all Alfa generated keyed-Entity types |
CRecord | Based interface for all Alfa generated Record types |
CRuntimeContext | Context object passed with BuilderConfig to manipulate runtime behaviour |
CService | Base interface implememented by all Alfa generated services |
CTrait | Based interface for all Alfa generated Trait types |
CUnion | Based interface for all Alfa generated Union types |