Impact Analysis Report

Created: Tue Jun 21 12:00:42 BST 2022

Between versions origin/DMODEL-V1 and origin/DMODEL-V3

Change Analysis Summary


Change Type Total Changes Percentage
Breaking API Changes 3 20%
Potential API Breaking Changes 0 0%
Non-breaking API Changes 0 0%
Breaking Data Structure Changes 2 13%
Non-breaking Data Structure Changes 1 7%
Metadata Changes 1 7%
Implementation Logic Changes 1 7%
Quality Changes 3 20%
Documentation Changes 4 27%

Change Analysis Details

  • 1. Service smallbiz.model.CustomerSvc Method getAllCustomers added
    Added snippet:
    getAllCustomers( ) : list< smallbiz.model.Customer >

  • 2. Service smallbiz.model.CustomerSvc Method getByType added
    Added snippet:
    getByType(t : smallbiz.model.CustomerType ) : list< smallbiz.model.Customer >

  • 3. Service smallbiz.model.CustomerSvc Method create updated
    Structure of type 'smallbiz.model.Customer' for argument named 'newCustomer' has been modified

  • 1. Entity smallbiz.model.Customer Field CustType added
    Added snippet:
    CustType : smallbiz.model.CustomerType ## Type of customer based on annual spend

  • 2. Entity smallbiz.model.Customer Field Accounts updated
    Accounts : list< string > ## List of accounts held
    Accounts : list< string( 8, 8 ) > ## List of accounts held

  • 1. Record smallbiz.model.dataload.EmployeeData Field Department added
    Added snippet:
    Department : string?

  • 1. Trait smallbiz.model.Person updated
    Added snippet:
    @PII( Classification=DataClassification.Confidential, Sensitivity=DataSensitivity.High )

  • 1. Library smallbiz.model.CommissionLib Method calcComm updated
    return if (Salary < 40000) 0.03 else 0.05
    return if (Salary < 50000) 0.03 else 0.05

  • 1. Entity Customer Assert IsAdult added

  • 2. Trait Person Assert IsAdult added

  • 3. Entity Employee Assert IsAdult added

  • 1. Service smallbiz.model.CustomerSvc added
    Added snippet:
    Customer Service API for CRUD and other operations

  • 2. Entity Employee Field Salary added
    Added snippet:
    Annual salary

  • 3. Service CustomerSvc Method create added
    Added snippet:
    Create the give customer

  • 4. Service CustomerSvc Method get added
    Added snippet:
    Fetch customer by key, if not exists, None returned