Java Runtime 3.0.1
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alfa.rt.Encrypted< T > Interface Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for alfa.rt.Encrypted< T >:
alfa.rt.CustomEncodedType< T > alfa.rt.AlfaObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from alfa.rt.CustomEncodedType< T >
byte[] getEncodedBytes ()
getValue (IBuilderConfig builderConfig)
- Public Member Functions inherited from alfa.rt.AlfaObject
TypeDescriptor descriptor ()
Object get (String fieldName)
default void validate (alfa.rt.IBuilderConfig __builderConfig)

Detailed Description

Class representing an encrypted< T > object. T can be any Alfa supported type which is securely encrypted by the implementation in BuilderConfig. Only BuilderConfig.getRuntime() has the keys and implementation to encrypt/decrypt the data.

<T>The type of object being encrypted.

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