Getting Started

There are 2 ways to get started using the ALFA modeling toolset.

  2. ALFA Maven Plugin

Prerequisite: Java 1.8 or higher is required for the ALFA CLI. To confirm the version of Java you have installed, run java -version, on a shell/command window. ALFA has been tested with Java 8 and Java 14. Java can be downloaded from

Provided you have Java installed, you will able install and run the ALFA CLI in under 3 minutes.

CLI (Command Line Tool) Setup

The ALFA CLI should be downloaded and installed as per the platform in use.


Create a directory $HOME/tools/alfa to install the ALFA CLI. If an alternate path is used, change the path in the steps below accordingly. The remaining steps downloads the and unzips the contents.

mkdir -p $HOME/tools/alfa
cd $HOME/tools/alfa
curl -L --http1.1 --output

Add the following to your ~/.profile, or shell profile file (e.g: On a Mac ~/.zprofile, ~/.bash_profile etc.)

# ALFA settings after unzipping
export ALFA_HOME=$HOME/tools/alfa
export PATH


  • Download
  • Unzip to a local directory, e.g. %LOCALAPPDATA%\alfa\. This path has been suggested as some users may have restrictions in creating directories elsewhere.
mkdir %LOCALAPPDATA%\alfa

 < download and extract >


To have the settings permanantly defined, do the following:

  • Set a new Windows environment variable ALFA_HOME and assign its value to the unzipped path, e.g. `%LOCALAPPDATA%alfa.
  • Append %ALFA_HOME%\bin to the user environment variable PATH.

Verify Installation

Once setup on Mac/Linux/Windows, it should be possible to open a new terminal or command window and type alfa -h and view command line usage help.

Maven plugin setup

Prerequisite: Maven (version 3 or higher) command line tool, confirm by running mvn -v on your terminal window.

For details on using the plugin and a complete example of using Maven, see ALFA Maven Plugin.

Test Drive

ALFA CLI is the simplest way to compile an ALFA model. Once installed, you can trail with the samples provided.

alfa -c $ALFA_HOME/samples/demo/

Alternatively, you can create a new project directory and create a src/demo.alfa file and write a model such as the one shown below.

record Club.Player {
  Name : string
  Age : int
  Average : double
  RankingByYear : map< int, int >

Compile the model by running:

alfa -c src/demo.alfa

The path can be a directory or a file ( e.g. to compile all files under src, run alfa -c src ).

Export to Java

You can generate a Java POJO data model by adding -g java -o generated/java to the command:

alfa -c -e java -o generated/java src

This runs the Java Generator.

The generated Java code will be written to the generated/java directory. In order to compile the generated code, you will need the ALFA Java runtime library.

The Runtime library dependency can be expressed in Maven:


Or Gradle:

compile group: 'io.alfa-lang.rt', name: 'alfa-rt-java-core', version: '1.4.0'

Export to Protocol Buffers

A Protocol Buffers definition can be generated off the model using the command line:

alfa -c -e protobuf -o generated/pb src

Assuming the protoc compiler is available in the path, the generated Protocol Buffer model can be compiled.

protoc --java_out=generated/pbjava -Igenerated/pb3 generated/pb3/Club/Player.proto

This runs the Protocol Buffers 3 Generator.

Dealing with compilation errors

The ALFA compiler emits succinct error messages, and they are displayed by the CLI in a manner that errors will be easy to identify and resolve quickly.

See below for an example of multiple errors being reported. For each error, the source line is printed with the problematic area in the line being underlined in red text.

The error messages should have sufficient details to understand and resolve the problem.
