Table Runtime

The table<T> type is highly useful in being able to represent hierarchical Afla user-defined type structures in a tabular manner. This can be useful for storage, display purposes and various other use-cases.

Given there are several representations of a ‘table’ in various platforms/languages, the ALFA table is represented differently based on usage (e.g. Java SQL ResultSet, Spark DataFrame, Pandas DataFrame) instead of expecting developers to adapt another new table-like API.

In addition the generic flattener utility is available that is capable for flattening any ALFA object. The example below shows this in action.

Generic Flattening of ALFA Object

Given the following ALFA definition:

record SalesPerson {
    Name : string
    Customers : list< Customer >

record Customer {
    Id : uuid
    Name : string
    DateOfBirth : date
    Accounts : set< string >
    CustomerType : enum< Standard, Gold, Platinum >

ALFA runtime implementations are able to create a flattened table representation. The output below is a Pandas Dataframe created from the ALFA’s Python library for an instance of the SalesPerson record above.

   Name  __Customers__Id                          Customers_Id Customers_Name Customers_DateOfBirth Customers_CustomerType   __Customers_Accounts__Id_L1 Customers_Accounts
0  Fred                1  f75b85fc-c713-4e4d-971e-6a23c6642507         George            1998-03-05               Platinum                             1           G6450981
1  Fred                1  f75b85fc-c713-4e4d-971e-6a23c6642507         George            1998-03-05               Platinum                             2           G5234523
2  Fred                1  f75b85fc-c713-4e4d-971e-6a23c6642507         George            1998-03-05               Platinum                             3           G2323612
3  Fred                2  e6c4aae7-9472-4245-b6cf-faa8acd6f8e3            Bob            2002-05-22                   Gold                             1           J2323975
4  Fred                2  e6c4aae7-9472-4245-b6cf-faa8acd6f8e3            Bob            2002-05-22                   Gold                             2           J6458031
5  Fred                2  e6c4aae7-9472-4245-b6cf-faa8acd6f8e3            Bob            2002-05-22                   Gold                             3           J5234523
6  Fred                3  199a8266-572a-4c02-b573-4c1de0c21dcc           Fred            2000-10-12               Standard                             1           F6458764
7  Fred                3  199a8266-572a-4c02-b573-4c1de0c21dcc           Fred            2000-10-12               Standard                             2           F2323431
8  Fred                3  199a8266-572a-4c02-b573-4c1de0c21dcc           Fred            2000-10-12               Standard                             3           F5234523