ALFA Language Extensions


The modelling capabilities in ALFA are able to capture all data and API modelling needs. However there maybe times that certain abstractions are needed, and those may not naturally fit the concepts supported in ALFA.

ALFA allows an extension type to be declared. This can be regarded as a meta-programming construct for ALFA. Once extensions are defined, instances of those extensions can be declared within ALFA models. This effectively allows you to extend the ALFA language with other abstractions while using existing definitions from your model.

Naturally, the ALFA compiler will perform extensive type checking on the extension and its usages.

It should however be emphasised that by using ALFA traits, enums, records etc., majority of domains and problems can be modelled. Careful consideration should be given before embarking on the use of extensions to assert that existing concepts cannot be used in its place.

The extension type

An extension allows you to declare a new user-defined type definition type in ALFA. That declaration can be used to define instances of the newly declared user-defined type. This can be explained with an example.

// Define 'task' as a top level ALFA construct
extension task string {
    Inputs : list< $entityName >
    Output : $entityName
    Timeout : duration

namespace Products

entity Inventory key( ... ) { }
entity Sales key( ... ) { }
entity SupplierOrder key( ... ) { }

// This task defines the Daily Restock process flow accepting the
// current inventory and sales, and produces an order request to suppliers.
task DailyRestockProcessing (
    Input : [ Inventory, Sales ]
    Output : SupplierOrder
    Timeout : "P1H" // 1 hour using ALFA duration (ISO 8601) type

The example introduces a new extension named task. This can be imagined as some workflow processing definition requirement to capture inputs entities and an output.

Once an extension is declared, it can be used as an ALFA top level construct - as if it was a built-in concept. In the example, a new task has been defined as DailyRestockProcessing with properties required by the task extension. This object represents an instance of the task extension declared previously.

An extension is not scoped to a namespace. Whereas an instance of an extension is declared within a namespace. In the example, the task DailyRestockProcessing will have a fully qualified name of Products.DailyRestockProcessing.

Further Examples

In the declaration extension task string { ... } from the previous example, string is the type of the text ‘DailyRestockProcessing’. It is not however restricted to string which is just the type of an identifier.

The code below shows an example of a fictitious extension used to model dependencies between entities in order to process them in dependency order.

extension dependencies $entityName {
    dependents : list< $entityName >

namespace Data

entity A { }
entity B { }
entity C { }

// Define A as depending on B & C
dependencies A (
   dependents : [ B, C ]

Given the extension declaration uses dependencies $entityName, the ALFA compiler will assert that in the declaration dependencies A (...), A is a valid entity name.

Using extension instances

ALFA Pro makes extension instance declarations available via its abstract syntax tree (AST). Given the expected use of an extension is unknown to ALFA, you need to add a code generator to produce code based on the AST.

At this stage ALFA enforces the model’s type correctness, however it is not possible to enforce other rules required as part of the extension. This will be supported in future allowing pluggable rules against extension instances.

Please contact for details on how extensions can be used and upcoming features around extensions.