set< T >

Represents an unordered set of unique objects T, where T can be any datatype. Uniqueness is based on how T defines equality.


  • Data : set< int > Set of integers
  • Data : set< OrderItem > Set of OrderItem objects

Optional Parameters

  • Size constraint - set< T >( min, max )
A range can be optionally specified that can be used as the minimum and maximum number of entries permitted.
  • set< T , [ P1, P2, Pn ] >

This feature is pending further development. An optional set of paths P1 - Pn to nested fields of T can be specified that is used to identify what constitutes uniqueness. This is useful when T is large object and instead of having to consider all fields when uniqueness, it can be based on a few fields.


  • Data : set< OrderItem, [ OrderId ] > Set of OrderItem objects using OrderId field within OrderItem to ensure uniqueness.
  • Data : set< BankAccount, [ AccountNo, SortCode ] > Set of BankAccount objects using 2 fields within BankAccount to ensure uniqueness.