tuple< :T1, :T2, .. >

Represents a fixed sequence of objects of type T1, T2, Tn, where the T’s can be any datatype.

Tuple can be considered an in-line record declaration.


  • Data : tuple< :string, :int, :date > Tuple containing given types for fields

Using the named syntax below is recommended to clarify the use of the field. When the name is not specified as is the case with the example above, a default name of ‘TupleField__< number >’ will be assigned.

Optional Parameters

  • tuple< Name1:T1, Name2:T2, ... > >

    Labels can be optionally specified.


    • Data : tuple< Name:string, Height:int, DOB:date > Tuple containing labelled entries.
  • tuple< FieldName1, FieldName2, ... >

Fields declared in fields {} block can be referenced simply by specifying their name. The above example would require a fields declaration such as:

fields {
  FieldName1 : int
  FieldName1 : string