An ALFA user-defined type can be declared multiple times with a fragment
At compile time all fragment declarations get merged into the main user-defined type declaration.
Fragment declarations can add additional attributes and annotations to the main declaration and is a useful way to manage separation of concerns around writing data models.
For example consider a record declared as shown below.
record NewOrderSingle {
In order to inject additional custom attributes, a fragment can be declared as :
fragment record NewOrderSingle includes AuditInfo {
trait AuditInfo {
CreationTime : datetime
CreationSystem : string
At compile time, the ALFA compiler will combine these 2 declarations into a single NewOrderSingle. Any conflicts are reported to the user ( e.g. A field cannot be redefined )
Fragments should be used with care, ideally as part a well-organised build system as it is effectively injecting attributes. Code generated for the non-fragment declaration may be incompatible with the one with the fragment declaration.