

Similar to the Java generator and runtime support from ALFA , this Exporter generates CSharp representations of ALFA definitions.

The CSharp support has been built for .NET Core 2.1 or higher. If other versions are required, please contact info@schemarise.com or goto www.schemarise.com.

The CSharp generator is provided as part of the ‘ALFA Professional’ version of ALFA . Please contact us at info@schemarise.com or goto www.schemarise.com for an evaluation.

Usage Steps

  • Similar to generating Java, CSharp is generated using the following commandline.
alfa -c -e csharp -o generated/csharp src
  • The generated CSharp depends on a library Alfa.Net.Runtime which is made available as a NuGet package. Follow the steps below to download and install Alfa.Net.Runtime. On windows use %USERPROFILE% instead of $HOME. If curl command not available, download using the browser and use the nuget command.
curl -L --http1.1 https://github.com/alfa-lang/distributions/raw/master/downloads/Alfa.Net.Runtime.0.8.1-RC1.0.nupkg --output Alfa.Net.Runtime.0.8.1-RC1.0.nupkg
nuget add Alfa.Net.Runtime.0.8.1-RC1.0.nupkg  -Source $HOME/.nuget/packages/
  • Once the NuGet package is installed, create a .csproj file and compile the generated code. Refer to the example below for contents of the csproj file. Save the contents into a Alfa.Demo.csproj file. The subdirectory generated/csharp will already contain the generated code from the previous step.

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
         <Folder Include="src\generated" />
         <Folder Include="src\main" />
         <PackageReference Include="Alfa.Net.Runtime" Version="0.8.1-RC1.0" />
  • In the directory containing the .csproj file, run dotnet build. This will build the generated code and produce a dll. Congratulations! You have built your first ALFA .Net type library!

  • If the .csproj is opened using an .NET IDE, you can proceed to write some sample code that uses the generated library. ..

    Given the ALFA definition below:

    record Club.Player {
     Name : string
     Age : int
     Average : double
     RankingByYear : map< int, int >

    The following CSharp code can be written to run against the generated code.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using alfa.rt;
    using Club;
    namespace Alfa.Pro.Demo
       public class App
           static void Main(string[] args)
               var rankings = new Dictionary<int, int>{
                   { 2018, 1 },
                   { 2019, 3 }
               // Use a builder to incrementally construct the object
               var builder = new Club.Player.Builder();
               // Finalise and build immutable object
               var player1 = builder.build();
               // Round trip object <> JSON
               var json = Codec.toJson(player1);
               var decoded = Codec.fromJson<Player>(json);
               // Access field as a Property - will print "Bob"
               Console.WriteLine( decoded.Name );