IDL Importer

IDL Importer supports converting OMG (Object Management Group) IDL format files into ALFA.

IDL is converted to ALFA constructs as outlined below.

Furthermore, comments associated with IDL constructs are imported into ALFA. By convention, comments immediately before the IDL construct is considered documentation associated with that element. See example below, and screenshot of documentation.

module namespace
struct record
typedef typedef
const const
interface service
enum enum
exception @Exception record
[] - array list
map map<K,V>
union union

Other specific IDL features are converted to the closest ALFA construct. For example an attribute defined in a interface in IDL is converted to ALFA service methods - get/set, depending on being readonly or not.

Given the numerous approaches to IDL and its versions, we recommend using the ALFA IDL importer and contacting us if you have any questions using

IDL Import example

Java and Apache Maven (mvn command) is required to run this example.

  1. Create an example IDL file, such as the one below and save as example.idl.

    // Example Bank Package
    module BankDemo {
            // Customer record
            struct CustomerDetails {
                // Customer Id
                string custID;
                // Last name
                string lname;
                // Firstname
                string fname;
                // Age
                short age;
            // Bank API
            interface Bank {
                // Retrieve Customer record given Id
                CustomerDetails getCustomerDetails(in string custID);
  2. Run the ALFA Maven CLI, import IDL to ALFA

    mvn com.schemarise.alfa.utils:alfa-maven-plugin:3.4.7:cli -Dalfa.importers=idl -Dalfa.output=generated -Dalfa.sourcepath=example.idl
  3. Open the generated/example.alfa file, which is generated as shown below.

    Note the full definition, including comments as documentation have been imported.

    # Example Bank Package
    namespace BankDemo
    # Customer record
    record CustomerDetails {
        # Customer Id
        custID : string
        # Last name
        lname : string
        # Firstname
        fname : string
        # Age
        age : int
    # Bank API
    service Bank
        # Retrieve Customer record given Id
        getCustomerDetails( in custID : string ) : BankDemo.CustomerDetails

Optional steps

  • The generated ALFA file can be used as input for code generation, such as Markdown documentation.

    mvn com.schemarise.alfa.utils:alfa-maven-plugin:3.4.7:cli -Dalfa.exporters=markdown -Dalfa.output=docs -Dalfa.sourcepath=generated
  • Open the docs folder in VSCode and Preview the file.

IDL to Java
  • Markdown (*.md) files generated to HTML or using server-side formatting to HTML, can be hosted as a website to be viewed by users.

The ALFA model can be exported to target language such as Java or C++.

mvn com.schemarise.alfa.utils:alfa-maven-plugin:3.4.8:cli -Dalfa.exporters=cpp -Dalfa.output=gen -Dalfa.sourcepath=example.alfa